
Confab may be used in several ways.

Via confab – The Default Console Script

The distribution ships with the confab console script, which provides a simple command line usage based on common defaults:

confab -d /path/to/directory -H hosts -u user <command>

Via Inclusion in a fabfile

Confab’s tasks may be included in another fabfile simply by adding:

from confab.api import diff, generate, generate_tasks, pull, push

# generate environment tasks

And then running:

fab <env_name>:{role1},{role2} <task>:<arguments>

Note that the settings path, roles list, and arguments are optional.

Via the API

Confab’s lower level API can be invoked directly either to create new tasks or as part of some other script:

from confab.api import *
from confab.autotasks import generate_tasks

# load roledefs and environmentdefs from
# create tasks for each defined role and environment

Autotasks would then allow fab to run as:

fab role_{role} env_{environment} <task>:arguments

Confab’s lower level API can also be invoked using customized data loading functions, either to create new tasks or to be called directly from a new console script.