Data LoadingΒΆ

Configuration data is loaded from python modules named after the selected environment, role, component, and host, plus a standard set of defaults. For example, if Confab is operating on an environment named foo, a role named bar, a component named baz, and a host named host, configuration data would be loaded from,,,, and

If a configuration data module is not found, Confab will also look for a file with a .py_tmpl suffix and treat it as a Jinja2 template for the same module, allowing configuration data to use Jinja2 template syntax (including include).

Confab uses the __dict__ property of the loaded module to generate dictionaries, filtering out any entries starting with _. In other words, this module:

foo = 'bar'
_ignore = 'this'

results in this dictionary:

{'foo': 'bar'}

The dictionaries from all of the loaded modules (if any) are recursively merged into a single dictionary, which is then used to populate Templates. Merging operates in the following order:

  1. Host-specific values are used first.
  2. Environment-specific values are used next.
  3. Role or component-specific values are used next.
  4. Default values are used last.

Confab’s recursive merge operation can be futher customized by using callable wrappers around configuration values. Confab will always delegate to a callable to define how values are overriden, e.g. allowing lists values to be appended/prepended to default values.